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Who are the Midnight Creatives?

Mother and daughter photographer/artist duo Kari and Karissa are the creatives behind Midnight Creatives Co.

Who says nothing good happens after midnight? Not us! We get our best work done in the wee small hours of the morning.

Kari named her daughter Karissa (me) after herself, adding “ssa” to Kari! We’re totally like a pacific northwest, chai latte drinking, artsy version of the Gilmore Girls!

  • Mom/Photographer/Artist

    I’ve been a night owl as long as I can remember, I even have timed entries from my high school diary to prove it! LOL

  • Daughter/Photographer/Artist

    I’ve always felt most creative at night and especially after midnight! I’m not a morning person, unless you count going to bed at 5am! LOL